Three Little Pigs

One day in a far away land mother pig will tell young pigs need to go live by themselves. Three little pigs listened to their mother and went to find a field for building their houses. When they founded one straight green field they said; Here we will build our houses. The youngest one said that he will build house of straw so he can finish it in a day and play. The middle one said that he will make better house out of wood and branches and he will make it in three days and then play with younger brother. The oldest one said that he will give his best and make a house out of bricks and stone no matter how long it will take. When they finished their houses wolf said that he will destroy their houses. He started with house of straw and he destroyed her without any effort. Youngest one said I will run to my older brother , his house you wont destroy. When he entered in the wooden house he shut the door . Wolf came and said I will destroy this house too and so he has done so two little pigs went to their older brother and said this house you wont destroy . So it was.  

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